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Casting a Wide Net for Success With Free Customer Wi-Fi

  • by: Robin Johnston
  • On: 6, Oct 2016
4 min read


Everyone wants free Wi-Fi, but you'd like to net a profit. See how you can use free Wi-Fi to keep customers buying while they work and play online in your bricks-and-sticks establishment.

The mobile revolution has taken full hold of the consumer market, but if you were on the fence about the importance of free Wi-Fi, take a look at these numbers for 2015 alone: 

  • 1.8 billion people used a smartphone daily to browse, a number expected to grow to 2.7 billion by 2019.
  • Globally, people spent an average of 5.6 hours a day on the internet.
  • At least half of internet time was spent on a mobile device, but up to 97 percent if you count time on a laptop.


But restaurants and coffee shops aren't the only ones attracting the Wi-Fi user. Ninety percent of shoppers use their smartphones while shopping in a brick-and-sticks store: 

  • 54 percent comparing prices.
  • 48 percent checking product information.
  • 42 percent looking for online reviews before making a purchase.


In addition to that, 57 percent of shoppers are more likely to choose a store if coupons are available, and 76 percent will choose an establishment with loyalty programs over one without incentives.

So how do you harness this power to increase your sales?

1. Think Inside the Net

To entice customers seeking free Wi-Fi, use a custom splash page. Users will see your brand, special offers and discounts before they even start browsing. If you add check-ins, likes and shares to cast your net past the individual, your brand will reach an additional 350 friends and 208 followers per customer.

2. Think Outside the Net

Even if your customers aren’t actively browsing the internet while they’re onsite, offering Wi-Fi helps them save their minutes on data plans and keeps them on premises. Name your network with your brand, and you’ll automatically be saved to the device’s “available Wi-Fi” list, reminding customers to come back every time they seek Wi-Fi.

3. Keep the Net Set

Never underestimate the power of “free.” Free Wi-Fi allows customers to stream music or audio books while they shop, work or work out. This gives you more opportunities for offering personal assistance, using in-store push notifications for deals and keeping customers onsite longer, all of which increase sales. After a business offers Wi-Fi, 61 percent of customers stay longer and spend 50 percent more.

In addition to the benefits for your customers, you'll capture even more valuable data for sales. Stats for who your customers are, how often they visit, how long they stay and their buying preferences by time or day are just a few.

Whether it’s to keep people eating, working out or shopping, cast your net for success. It'll keep your customers connected and happy.

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